Q: What is Physiotherapy?
A: Physiotherapists work with individuals of all ages to return to full physical function. Whether that is recovery from an injury, illness, chronic disease, rehab pre and post surgery, after an industrial and motor vehicle accident, and age related conditions.
Physiotherapists play an important role in health promotion and disease prevention. Physiotherapy is the treatment of preference for many who suffer from pain whether in the back or neck, or joint pain such as hips, knees, ankles, wrists, elbows or shoulders.
Physiotherapy treatment can include therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, soft tissue release, acupuncture, electrical modalities such as TENS or ultrasound, and work hardening. Emphasis is placed on what you can do for yourself and on education to prevent future injuries or disability.
Q: Am I covered for Physiotherapy?
A: Wright Physiotherapy, is a private rehabilitation facility. Services are NOT covered by OHIP or NIHB, however, funding for our services is available through the following sources:
- Automobile Insurance: if you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident
- Workplace Safety & Insurance Board WSIB: if you have been injured at work
- Extended Health Insurance Plan: often through an employer, union, retirement package or post
- Secondary School
- Department of Veteran’s Affairs or Canadian Armed Forces
- Fee for service, paying directly for services.
Q: Do I need a doctor’s referral?
A: No. A referral for physiotherapy services is not required in Ontario, however some extended Health insurance plans require a physician’s referral prior to reimbursing their claimants. Check with your health insurance plan if unsure.
Q: What should I bring to my first appointment?
A: Appropriate clothing. For work injuries (WSIB), bring your WSIB claim number. For motor vehicle accident's (MVA), bring the name of insurance company, name and number of adjuster, policy and claim numbers. For private insurance coverage, bring policy numbers or cards with you. Allow extra time to discuss these and other methods of payment with the receptionist.
Q: How many treatments will I require?
A: This depends on the nature of your injury, how long you’ve had your injury, the severity of the injury, what your personal goals are, and of course the fact that all people respond differently to physiotherapy intervention. The Physiotherapist will give you an estimate following your initial assessment.